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Sandy Morse (#75937)

Hello, My name is Sandy Morse. I am addicted to this Gorgeous Jewelry and I’m sure you will be too! I absolutely love selling Paparazzi jewelry and being part of the Paparazzi family. I have so much fun with this business and have met some amazing people which are always willing to help me grow and succeed. The opportunities this company gives is Amazing! It has changed my families life and I have Faith that it can change yours too. I started this journey to earn some money to help get my daughter to her National Cheer Competition in Las Vegas. However, now my dream is much bigger and I have a PASSION for making my families dreams come true. I have an Amazing husband, 5 Awesome kids and some Wonderful Grandchildren. Want to earn some Free Bling?? Contact me to host a party. I do Facebook live parties, home parties, basket parties, fairs & events. Are you thinking about becoming a Paparazzi Independent Consultant? I will help you get started!!!

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